Staying Positive Through Spiritual Guidance

Staying Positive Through Spiritual Guidance

  • Which Grave Markers Will Stand The Test Of Time?

    If you have ever walked through an old cemetery, you may have enjoyed looking at the old headstones and grave markers and wondering about the people they commemorate. These lasting monuments to the lives of our forebears have often withstood centuries of wind and rain, and when it comes to the markers for yourself or your loved ones, you probably expect similar durability. But what makes some grave markers stand the test of time while others crumble?

  • How Religion Makes You Healthier

    Believers turn to their churches for spiritual and emotional guidance. You find words to live by there and help navigate the moral conflicts that life continually creates. In addition to these benefits, your spirituality also has health effects. You should embrace spirituality as a way to improve your mental and physical health. Stress Relief People who live with high levels of stress often experience stomach problems, frequent infections, headaches, high blood pressure, and a variety of other physical ills.

About Me

Staying Positive Through Spiritual Guidance

These days, it can be hard for me to watch the news. It can be depressing to hear about so many earthquakes, terrible mass shootings, and awful illnesses. Fortunately, I have gained a lot of strength by working with my local church to participate in church service. Together, we have made hygiene packets for refugees and helped with other large service projects. This participation has helped me in my personal life, and it has strengthened my resolve to be a better person. This website is all about becoming better and staying positive through spirituality, service to others, and focusing on doing good.
